Baker's Dozen Productions

An Experience Design and Media Company 

You've got dozens of stories to tell. Let us help you tell them.

At Baker's Dozen Productions, we firmly believe in the concept of the Experience Economy and the idea that (now more than ever) organizations that emphasize experiences over goods and services are the ones who will come out on top in the modern market. That said, integrating and maintaining an experiential model or modalities is no small task. 

That's where we come in. 

With over 10 years of experience in the fields of Experience Design, content writing, and creative entertainment, the representatives at BDP XD are here to help you design, analyze, and optimize the experiences you offer to your target audience (whether that be customers, learners, or just casual acquaintances). We offer services ranging from experience analysis (EXA) to branding and IP consultations to full-scale, concept-to-implementation experience development depending on the needs and desires of our clients.  BDP's services are 100% scalable, which means you get to decide how in-depth of an experience you wish to create and how heavily BPD XD is involved in its co-creation! 

In the past, our employees have designed and created products for renown local and international organizations such as- 

We here at BDP XD strive for the best, and we challenge you to seek out any former projects or experiences created by our employees to see for yourself the level of quality we bring to the table! 
